Thursday, September 9, 2010

sicky, sick sick

So I have been sick for the past few days and it has been absolutely awful! Nausea, super tired, out of it. Just terrible. It started when I left work on Tuesday. Of course I have Chem lecture on Tuesday nights. I drag myself all the way to school in my comfy gym pants and the class was canceled!! I'm glad it was canceled but I could have done without driving all the way there when I felt like I was dying!

Then I made the mistake of trying to go to work the next day, only lasted half the day and came home to sleep the rest of the day. Last night I had the worst cabin fever and didn't even feel well enough to go play baseball under the lights with all of my friends! :(!

Today I still felt sick..went to the gym for the first time in 5 days, sweated like an animal for an hour and BOOM! now i feel all better!!! amazing!

It was so weird because 5 of my coworkers were sick too and all saying they had the same exact symptoms that I did. It was such an annoying sick, because I wasn't drop dead sick, but I didn't feel right at all and was so exhausted!

So glad I am feeling better in time for the weekend! Baseball Saturday during the day, Bane at night, Sunday I am going to a wedding with my friend and then I am hanging with A until Monday. I cannot wait for it all to start!

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