Thursday, September 16, 2010

Anxiety at an all time high...

I have been feeling so overwhelmed this week. It's a combination of a bunch of things but school has really set it off. My lecture professor is TERRIFYING. She is a very out of the box thinker and I hate it. I need structure & shortcuts to learn. I cannot learn things based on stupid bullshit. I hate it so much.

I am not the best math student in the world so all of the math I know is from college classes I have taken. As an adult was the first time I was really able to understand math. I just never got it in high school. Maybe my brain wasn't developed enough or something haha. The reason I understand math is because I use tricks to solve problems.

So here I am at the scariest part of this class. Not only are we learning converting measurement, would be fine, but we are not allowed to use tricks/shortcuts. We have to use the long way to solve problems and we also have to answer in scientific notation and the correct significant figures. All of these things are so incredibly scary and overwhelming for me as an adult student. Ugh.

Basically since Tuesday I have been a GIGANTIC ball of nerves. I am a very anxious person as it is. I've had panic attacks since I was very little. When I am unfamiliar or frustrated with something or if I feel like I have no control over a situation I FREAK out.

I just need to get at least a C+ in this class. I am usually an A student but this is already very difficult and we aren't even at anything crazy yet.

I just really have my fingers crossed that I get out of this semester alive.

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