Friday, September 3, 2010

Short, quick week to a long weekend.

This week was so hectic..I feel like I did something every night so it went super fast.

I had class on Monday and Tuesday nights. My lab teacher is pretty young, I think he may be younger than me. My lecture teacher scares me a little. She is the weirdest science teacher/professor I have ever had. She's a businesswoman who has her degree in Biochem and worked in corporate America then decided to start teaching. It's seriously the strangest!

Wednesday after work, at night, the group of friends that I play baseball with on Saturdays were going to get together to have a midweek game under the lights. It was a huge fail because the lights weren't even on when we got there! So we all went to a bar called Croxley's. It used to be this place called the Downtown and they used to have shows there. I haven't been there since it closed and it looks so different! It was a good break after being in class the last couple of days.

Last night I was planning on going to the gym after work. I usually go right from work but I accidentally left my sports bra at home :( I was so sad! So I came home to write a paper and do some homework and suddenly got SUPER exhausted. So I watched Jersey Shore and then hit the hay. I was looking forward to Jersey Shore all week and of course the fight they have been showing in the commercials all week only aired in the last 2 minutes and they didn't even show the whole thing! LAME!! Is anyone else as obsessed with this show as I am?
It's funny to watch, but unfortunately I live in an area where a lot of people are like the people on the show and it's not so funny in person! haha.

Today I just worked, went to the gym, got a pedicure and came home to do some more homework. Now I am just kicking it with Tobey. Oliver has been at my parents house because he wasn't feeling well and needed to be watched 24/7. I'm getting that little baby back this weekend so Tobey will feel way better and so will I. I miss him so much and Tobey has been so depressed without his brobro.

Well, I am off to bring Tobey for a little walk and then wash my hair. Fun Friday nights over here ;)

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