Monday, August 30, 2010

Back in school!

Today was my first day of fall semester. For the past 3 years I have been attending a community college here. I just had to start at another state school this semester though. I'm taking as many classes as I can until I reach the max transfer credits and then I plan on transferring into a Nutrition program at another college here.

A lot of it is because it is cheaper but at the same time I feel like I am kind of procrastinating because the program is only during the day and my job I am working now is also only during the day. Which means I will have to find a new job when I get in the program. Which is scary to me!

Anyways, I am taking Chem 1 this semester. Today was my first day of lab and I think my professor is younger than me. He seems very energetic! Tomorrow is my first day of lecture with a different professor. I hope she's nice. Chemistry is not my favorite thing in the entire world. This is my 2nd Chemistry class of 5! How terrible is that?! I just keep telling myself that if I make believe I like it then I will do well.

I just can't wait to be done with school all together. I feel like I made a lot of poor decisions after high school and jumped careers a lot. I always wanted to be a Dietitian but I just went to school for stupid things as "quick fixes". One of those, if I knew now what I knew then deals. Ah well...such is life!
In addition to this it is incredibly frustrating since I am in school for undergrad..they are not very understanding that people work full time jobs and I can only take 1 or 2 classes a semester. It's not the same as grad school where programs are molded to fit the full time worker.
So the fact that people who started school the same time that I did are finished or that they haven't even started yet and will be finished before me drives me insane!!
I just keep saying that at least I am doing something and I have more credits towards the degree than I did 3 years ago. It still makes me nuts when people ask when I will be done though because I have no idea!

Well, off to bed. Another long day of work & school tomorrow. I'd like to win the lotto so I could go back to school full time please! ;)

Sunday, August 29, 2010

New blog

Well, I figured I would try and start a new blog. The last one I had on here was a picture blog...then I got an Iphone and I didn't have the patience to figure out how to send pics to my blog so that ended! haha. Honestly, I just really wish blogger had an app. I don't understand why they don't!

I also tried to have a tumblr blog a few months ago but I just hate the format and I don't really understand it.

Wow..I must really sound technologically retarded at this point!

Anyways, just wanted to make a little post so this space wasn't totally empty :)

edit: ok blogger totally updated their "update from your cell phone" thing and now it is way easy and this message makes me look extra stoops!